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It’s always fascinating at Guinness World Records. In the diverse world of record-breaking, you might find inspiration for your next campaign or learn some facts that will make you the most interesting person in the room.

Most laptops toppled in a domino fashion

2,910 laptops toppled like dominoes to break world record

As a fun way to communicate and increase their impact, Technology Recyclers, a computer and electronics recycling company, broke the Guinness World Records title for most laptops toppled in a domino fashion.

Exciting world records by companies and brands in 2022

Last year, we saw a diverse array of companies from every corner of the world committed to walk the extra mile and show their audiences that they have what it takes to break a world record. Here are just some of the most exciting.

Model train plays record-breaking melody with 2,840 water glasses

Miniatur Wunderland, a Hamburg-based attraction, broke a new world record for the longest melody played by a model train. Watch the train in action and sing along with the world-famous melodies. 

Case Studies

Generation Wild, an organization that reconnects kids with nature, wanted to go as big as possible with an outdoor activation and decided to attempt the Guinness World Records title for longest hopscotch game.


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